Being bombarded with Ads!

We constantly come across thousands of ads in our daily life. But do we notice any of them? What are the chances that an advertisement will be stored in your memory?


Let’s Get Emotional

Capturing the attention of consumers through any advertising medium that will be engraved in their memory is the main goal every marketer tries to accomplish. Many brands attempt a very different and unique approach in grabbing the attention of consumers, of which include triggering emotions to create awareness. By triggering emotions in the consumer’s mind, whether delightfully happy, or heart-wrenchingly sad, the ad campaign will most likely be remembered.

Logo Bernas

Bernas, a rice company in Malaysia, had hired Ogilvy and Mather, to develop one of the best emotionally charged commercials in regards to the Chinese New Years earlier this year.

Click the link below to view the video:

In this inspiring and dramatic video, Bernas effectively promotes family values and how they should not be taken for granted. This ad campaign successfully makes it’s way into the consumer’s long-term memory by evoking multiple emotions to express their message. It will definitely be remembered.