After our successful Documentary run last year, Mao|Marketing has been invited to Somalia by top NGO – SATG (Somali Agriculture Technical Group) for a more in-depth and on-the-field visual on the current agricultural condition of Somalia. That’s right! Our second documentary is soon to be released!
How will this one be different?
You see, our initial documentary was an introduction to SATG and how(from their perspective) they’ve grown to be rather unique from other NGOs in the Hub. Rather than simply focusing on donor aid and food stamps, SATG bases its practice on the principle of: Give a man a fish, feed him for the day. But teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
In our new Documentary, Mao|Marketing will actually be on the ground, speaking to locals, interviewing farmers, meeting with university students in order to get a full, detailed and unbiased review on SATG’s work in Somalia, an Organization heavily funded by large Organizations such as US Aid and FAO.
Stay tuned with us through our blogs and our promising Documentary will soon be released!